Nursery School Ons Eie


“ONS EIE” is a double medium school and teaching is in Afrikaans and English. We are based on Christian morals. We care for babies from as young as 4 months up to grade R (reception year). We follow the “caps”
curriculum from the Department of Education with lots of extra stimulation. Most of the teachers have a diploma or degree in teaching.

There are a few annual events on our calendar. The fun walk is a social event where teachers and parents get to know each other. The children walk 10 laps around the bicycle track and get sponsored by family and friends. The grandparent day is a special event where granny and grandpa get spoiled with eats, drinks and a little concert from the children. Our annual concert is definitely the highlight on our school calendar. We base the concert on a different theme every year. Spring day is usually a special day with flowers, hat parades and lots of fun.

Extra mural activities available at the school: Ballet, Gymnastics, Rugby, Netball, Computers, Kindermuzik and A+ Mathematics.

“ONS EIE” is one of the few schools to offer child kinetics to all pupils on a weekly basis at no additional cost.

We open at 7:00am until 14:00 for half day children and until 17:30 for full day children. 

“ONS EIE” is open all school holidays except for

Kleuterskool “ONS EIE” is ‘n tweetalige  kleuterskool met Christelike waardes en normes.  Ons neem babas vanaf 4 maande en ons kurrikulum strek tot en met graad R (reception year) onderskeidelik in Afrikaans en
Engels.  Die “Caps” kurrikulum  van die departement word gevolg met bykomende stimulasie. Die meerderheid van die onderwysers is gekwalifiseerd.

Daar is ‘n paar opwindende jaarlikse gebeure.  Ons pretloop is ‘n heerlike saamkuier van onderwysers, ouers en kleuters.  Die kleuters stap 10 rondtes en almal eet en drink saam. Ons oupa- en oumadag  is ‘n spesiale bederfdag vir al ons oupas en oumas.  Hier tree al die kleuters op en kuier lekker saam. Ons jaarlikse konsert is sekerlik die hoogtepunt op die skoolkalender vir al ons kleuters en ouers. Elke jaar word ‘n nuwe tema bekendgestel.  Lentedag word elke jaar gevier met hoedevertonings, koekverkopings en heerlike speletjies.

Buite-kurrikulêre aktiwiteite word by die skool aangebied naamlik: Ballet, Rekenaarklasse, Kindermuzik, Gimnastiek, A+ Wiskunde, Rugby en Netbal.

“ONS EIE” is een van die min skole wat kinderkinetika aanbied vir al die leerlinge op ‘n weeklikse basis teen geen addisionele koste nie.

 Ons tye strek vanaf 7:00 tot 14:00 vir die halfdagkleuters en tot 17:30 vir die voldagkleuters.  

Kleuterskool  “ONS EIE” is alle skoolvakansies oop, behalwe Desember .